
The Power of Review Responses in Demonstrating Exceptional Hotel Service

Post by
Sumit Majumdar
The Power of Review Responses in Demonstrating Exceptional Hotel Service


Online customer reviews are an essential part of the hospitality industry. They provide valuable feedback for businesses and impact potential customer's purchasing decisions. It's crucial for hotels and restaurants to respond to reviews in a timely and professional manner, addressing any concerns or criticisms. By doing so, businesses can improve their customer service and gain a competitive edge.

Why guest reviews are important

Customer reviews for hospitality businesses online help with social validation. TripAdvisor  revealed in a 2014 study which shows that hotels and B&Bs that respond to at least one review see 17 percent more engagement from travelers compared to those with no management responses. Properties that respond to reviews at least 13 percent of the time see a 21 percent boost in engagement compared to those that never do.

Marc Charron, previously President at TripAdvisor for Business, commented "Looking at the results of this study, a clear theme emerges: the more engaged the business owner, the more interested the traveler”.

Why you’re missing out if you’re not responding to reviews by your guests.

If as a hospitality business you are not responding to reviews in 2023, you are missing on a lucrative opportunity. Most businesses don’t realize that feedback reviews are designed as two-way communication systems.

Truth be told, unless requested explicitly, guests leave a feedback review on a public platform on their own accord very rarely. They do so on their own when they have complaints or are not fully satisfied with their experience. Responding to negative reviews promptly in a personalized manner is the damage control lever for managing online reputation for your hotel, as was found in a hospitality research study by Cornell University. But you can’t be selective. Your engagement with happy guests leaving reviews give you the opportunity to keep the relation cordial and make sure they return in the future.

How thoughtful and personalized responses to guest reviews highlights your business’s exceptional service

Responding thoughtfully to reviews builds trust with prospective customers by demonstrating attentiveness and responsiveness. Proactively acknowledging and addressing grievances shows reliability and integrity, offering the opportunity to improve future experiences. Responding to reviews also sets a hotel apart from competitors, as only a small percentage actually take the time to engage with guests. By doing so, hotels can demonstrate their dedication to providing the best possible service and ultimately win over potential customers.

The real reason why most businesses are not responding regularly on guest reviews

Writing considerate, courteous, and professional review responses takes time. Not every staff member is adept at responding to them in a way that represents your brand. Even if you have someone like this, it takes too much time and creativity to do it regularly. For businesses with a fairly high footfall, the management is always playing catchup with the reviews they are receiving across various platforms. Some business outsource this task to third-party marketing agencies. That increases the customer acquisition cost significantly and isn’t feasible for businesses of all sizes.

Meet Viff: The AI Assistant for replying to guest reviews

Viff is an AI tool that helps you manage your online reputation with ease. By using the latest technological developments in AI for its core, Viff can learn your brand voice and tone, allowing you to craft accurate and personalized responses to all guest reviews instantly. Whether it's a negative or positive review, Viff can help you respond in a professional and empathetic manner, showing potential guests that you value their feedback and are committed to improving the guest experience.

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